Profil von 陳 禹彤

Window and its eyes

Window and its eyes

It all started from the window in my bedroom.
Sometimes, when I look out from my bedroom, I can see the room in the building across the street, and it always makes me feel creepy and guilty even though I didn’t do anything intentionally. Eventually, it made me wonder, where is the border between public and private?
If I can see into someone else's room from my bedroom, does that mean their room is part of my life?
And if the person who lives across the street keeps his/her certain closed, will the situation change? Does it mean that his/her room become “privacy” all of the sudden instead of parts of my life?
As I contemplated these questions, I grew to know that, perhaps what matters is the things define the public and the privacy, which are people itself. 
The angles we view things, and the position we put our life in, the memories we made, change a meaningless place into something intimate. In the end, we are all like a tiny window, with its eyes, in different position, at different time, trying to see, or hide.
Some notes that I took while think about this piece of work. The original plan was to set two cameras, one was set outside of the window of the bedroom, the other one was set in the bedroom. 
Window and its eyes

Window and its eyes
