Sodade describes the nostalgia experienced by Cape Verdeans emigrants who have been seafarers and emigrants for centuries, repeating the question "Ken mostro-b es kaminhu longe?" "Who showed you the faraway path?"
Cape Verdeans have been voluntarily migrating from Cape Verde to every continent, since as early 1800s. The earliest recorded migration of Cape Verdeans was to New England, because they were recruited as whalers for their exceptional seafaring skills as whalers and whale captains. This started the trend of voluntary immigration of Cape Verdeans to New England, as well as opened doors for future migration during periods of drought and following independence from Portugal.
"Sodade" is a Cape Verdean song written in the 1950s by Armando Zeferino Soares,[1] and best popularized by Cesária Évora on her 1992 album Miss Perfumado. The name is the Cape Verdean Creolevariant of the Portuguese term saudade.
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Show me the path to your heart

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