jina suk's profileDayoung Kim's profile

트레이서 Main Title

Main Title Sequence by Undesigned Museum

"나쁜 돈 쫓는 국가공인 전문가가 온다" 누군가에겐 판검사보다 무서운 곳 국세청, 일명 ‘쓰레기 하치장’이라 불리는 조세 5국에 굴러온 독한 놈의 물불 안 가리는 활약을 그린 통쾌한 추적 활극 드라마로 서류와 영수증, 장부, 현금 등 종이들을 이용하여 오프닝을 작업하였습니다.
"Here comes a national expert chasing bad money." A thrilling follow-up drama about a tough guy who rolled into the five tax countries called the National Tax Service, a place scarier than a judge.
I worked on the opening using paper such as documents, receipts, books, and cash.


Style frames

Thank you!

Designed by Undesigned Museum
Executive Motion Designer : Kyunghoon Jo
Artwork : Jina Suk, , Dayoung Kim
Motion : Jina Suk, Dayoung Kim
Concept & Planing & Storyboard : Jina Suk

트레이서 Main Title

트레이서 Main Title
