
iMPERCO is a brand that in charge of agent of security system, focus on weakness management filed ,  this brand will put itself on clinets's shoes toward customer needs and pain point, carefully observing the problem customer encountered and let client to spend in the right way to maximize the benefits.​​​​​​​
Design is using the perspective from capital letter I to small letter I, the transforming process symbolize the macro to micro, indicating the comprehensiveness of thought, also providing a vision that the company grows gradually while not arrogant. The main color using steady horizon blue and silent roofing tile grey, overturning the typical coldness and distance color of information security , technology industry, providing a professional and Introverted image.

Client: iMPERCO / Design Agency: Etch Design / Art Director: Bo Hao Ciou / Project Manager: Bi Zong Hu / Designer: Bo Hao Ciou/ Photography: leejuanshow


成璽國際為一間同時經銷及代理資訊安全系統的品牌,專注於弱點管理領域,品牌著重服務客戶時,站在使用方角度設想所需、痛點為何,縝密的觀察客戶的問題,讓客戶花費正確的支出,以獲得最大的效益。 設計以英文字首大寫I到小寫i的透視、轉變過程描繪標誌,象徵著從宏觀到微觀、不同角度思維的掃描全面性,同 Leggi di più
