Mike Ramia's profile

Google Tasks App

gTasks for Mac
An exploration into the world of SSB's
I love Google. Yes there are some privacy issues to iron out and monopolies are typically bad for consumers, but all that aside, I'm a big fan.
Almost hourly I use Gmail and Google Apps emails for domains, I can't live without Google Calendar and I sync it all on the go with my Google (Android) phone. However, with so many useful tools in their proverbial swiss-army knife, Google really (pardon my French) half-assed their task app.
Don't get me wrong, there's not too much about the app itself that's bad, rather it's the lack of integration that I bemoan. There are backhanded ways to get it to show up certain places (gmail, browser sidebar, etc) but it's not ideal. Frustrated, I thawed out an old todo app I'd mocked up a few years earlier but had since lost interest in.
I didn't like it.
I'd made it when I was using Remember the Milk and when I subscribed to the Getting Things Done (GTD) ideology. RTM and GTD (my apologies for the acronyms) are both excellent and very thorough but they are, quite simply, not for me. The way I see it, the best to-do list is the one you'll actually use.

So, back at square one I decided to build, what I now use religiously, off of a google task widget intended for iGoogle homepages ( https://mail.google.com/tasks/ig ).

The app is a fully resizable SSB (single-site browser) created through Fluid.
A new window in Chrome. Not exactly ideal..
The SSB google tasks app. Allows for super small windows with minimal browser UI clutter and runs independently.
Advantages I think it offers.
Potential avenues.
Google Tasks App

Google Tasks App

My desktop Google Tasks client.
