In 2012, I collaborated with Wishop, a company that helped online stores and services find customers. This project contains illustrations that I created for them.
One of the illustrations depicts Wishop app "Living Desires" as a magical machine that sorts people on social media and directs them to the products they need.
Another illustration shows the same principle but in a more aggressive way. Potential customers are processed into ground beef, which is then used to make hamburgers and served to service providers "ready to consume."
Here are some examples of how these illustrations looked in the actual layout. The headlines were "How to Sell Successfully with Living Desires" and "Hellish Sales with Living Desires."
Wishop also organized a campaign to support World War II veterans in 2012.
In 2012 Eurovision Song Contest, the Buranovskiye Babushki ensemble took second place. Wishop organized a support campaign, and I depicted the company as a superhero that literally supported one of the ensemble's participants.
Lastly, I created an illustration for a job advertisement in Wishop, featuring representatives from three professions: a PHP programmer, an advertising manager, and a sales manager.
That's all, thank you for watching!


Illustrations for Wishop, a company that searches for customers for online stores and services.



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