Profilo di Harisharan Devgan

New Technologies in Agriculture | Harisharan Devgan

New Technologies in Agriculture | Harisharan Devgan

Precision agriculture 
Precision agriculture is a management technique of agricultural resources that consists of innovative sustainable and optimizing farming techniques to increase soil fertility or productivity. It mainly focuses on Innovations in agricultural technology to improve farmland and farm produce.

Resource use efficiency
As resources on the earth are limited and their increased use can make them exhausted so there is a need to use them with efficiency. Resources are limited and demand for them is increasing day by day along with the rising population. Organic farming has become capable of using resources like land in an efficient manner by maintaining the fertility of soil through the use of natural fertilizers and manure.

Sustainability is a most important need according to the current ecological situation. It comprises using the resources like land, soil, water, and plants in a manner that can remain feasible for future generations.

As sustainability is important for future generations likewise, profitability is a vital need for the present generation. Profitability is the cause that can make people remain engaged in a particular business. New and innovative agricultural technologies make farming a wealthy business that keeps people engaged in it.

Techniques like Organic farming increase productivity and fertility of the soil. As the use of Organic fertilizers keeps the land fertile by adding essential nutrients to it.

Organic farming not only improves the quality of soil and land but also enhances crops or farm produce as organically grown crops are more nutritious, tasty, and healthy.

Farm Automation
It refers to reducing human input by gathering machines, equipment, and strategies to improve equipment operation and bringing new techniques with traditional farming techniques.
New Technologies in Agriculture | Harisharan Devgan

New Technologies in Agriculture | Harisharan Devgan


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