2 Dots Studios profil

Padi Kopitiam | Branding & Interior Design

Padi Kopitiam 

Visual Identity & Spatial Design  /  2 Dots Studio
Location  /   Johor, Malaysia
Year  /  2022

稻香咖啡以“回到最初的美好”为设计概念,将传统元素与现代设计相结合,创造一个质朴自然兼具现代感的咖啡厅,让顾客在享用美食的同时,感受到稻田间的自然与宁静。在材料运用上,主要采用原木夹板,配合敲打出的砖墙和传统藤席,营造出温馨自然的氛围。金色的稻谷与咖啡色的木质元素相得益彰,仿佛将人们带回到童年时代, 重温那些美好的时光。
The golden rice sways in the wind and rustles, filling the air with the fragrant scent of rice. This aroma is closely linked with people's growth and memories, evoking images of running and playing in rice paddies during childhood.
Padi Kopitiam is designed with the concept of "Back to the Old Days," blending traditional elements with modern design to create a coffee shop that is simultaneously natural, rustic, and contemporary. Natural wood veneers, hammered brick walls, and traditional rattan mats are the primary materials used to produce an atmosphere that is both warm and natural. The golden hues of the rice fields, along with the coffee-coloured wooden elements,
create an ambiance that evokes childhood memories, cherish the moments.

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Padi Kopitiam | Branding & Interior Design

Padi Kopitiam | Branding & Interior Design


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