Arduino Uno and Leonardo Enclosures
I wanted to share with you all about the benefits of 3D printed enclosures for our beloved Arduino Uno and Leonardo boards. As we all know, these boards are incredibly versatile and powerful, but they are also vulnerable to damage from dirt, dust, and shorts.
Fortunately, 3D printing technology has made it easier than ever to create custom enclosures for our Arduino boards. By enclosing our boards in a protective case, we can shield them from harmful elements and extend their lifespan.
There are many different types of 3D printed enclosures available online, ranging from simple cases to more complex designs that include space for additional components such as sensors, LEDs, and buttons. Many of these designs are available for free, and can be modified to suit our specific needs
Some of the benefits of using a 3D printed enclosure for our Arduino boards include:
1 - Protection from dirt and dust: By enclosing our boards in a case, we can prevent dirt and dust from accumulating on the board and interfering with its functionality. This is particularly important for outdoor projects, or projects that involve a lot of movement or handling.
2 - Protection from damage: Accidents happen, and our Arduino boards are no exception. By placing them in an enclosure, we can help protect them from accidental drops, bumps, and scratches.
3 - Protection from shorts: One of the biggest risks to our Arduino boards is the possibility of a short circuit. By enclosing our boards in an insulated case, we can reduce the risk of a short circuit and help ensure our projects operate safely.
In summary, if you are looking to protect your Arduino Uno or Leonardo board from harm, I highly recommend investing in a 3D printed enclosure. Not only will it keep your board safe, but it can also give your project a more professional and polished look.

The prints were manufactured by Taito 3D Printing Services.
The files can be downloaded at: Thingiverse

Arduino Covers


Arduino Covers


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