The city I currently live in is full of small houses that grow like mushrooms surrounding huge big blocks of apartments. These tiny houses are everywhere. Getting out from the asphalt, bus station or old fence. After the spring rains these little houses are getting changed, there are new windows appearing in the walls, some spontaneous outbuildings redundant and flimsy. There are no big supermarkets, trendy cafes and galleries here. There is an amazing autonomy here: small shops open right in houses, or trailers in change houses. Sometimes these are just wooden sheds covered with a transparent plastic wrap. They sell seasonal vegetables, cheap household chemicals, plastic toys, factory-made tasteless bread for a quarter of a dollar, and homemade pies, manti and sticky baklava. These shops take place every 50 meters and all the goodis are pretty much the same. Leisurely sellers, not paying attention to people, watching videos from their cellphones all the time. Same as buyers.


