Book of Knowledge
Discover the cave's world through the eyes of a young healer. Collect valuable herbes and read about them in your Book of Knowledge. Use the ingredients you gather to brew elixirs and help those who rely on your knowledge of nature's healing powers.
Book of Knowlegde is a single player, open world RPG. It was a project in the 3rd semester of my study at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. I was in a team of three with a programmer and a designer. I was in charge of the game design and story telling, had the lead in art, made the level design and parts of the assets.
This was the first time I worked on shaders in Unity and used Blender to create the world of Book of Knowledge.
To create the character of the druid, that has special movement and is fun to play, was really interesting. Even when experimenting with Unity's cloth was not leading to my desired result.
Book of Knowledge