Profiel van Anselmo Pilet

Rocket Imob - Black Friday campaign

Rocket Imob Black Friday Campaign
Rocket Imob is a company that builds websites for real estate companies and agents, other than websites, they also provide visual content for these sites and real estate social media. I was hired to make four different themes for black friday campaigns focusing on ads for Google and social media.
On this first kit a more traditional approach was taken with the logo and the overal image. The idea was to have the main things as lamps in a dark room.
This piece had a similar approach to the previous one, but now with a different logo and focus on accessibility through the phone.
Here some different elements were introduced such as the background texture, the orange highlights and the navy blue color instead of black.
Thank you!
Rocket Imob - Black Friday campaign


Rocket Imob - Black Friday campaign


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