Vse Len' restaurant

Design period: 1.5 months 
Area: 148.8 square meters 
Year of implementation: 2023

The interior design of the "Vse Len" restaurant embodies the atmosphere of relaxation in nature with a focus on comfort and tranquility. The brand's concept is centered around the art of enjoying leisure time in advance. The interior space is divided into 2 rooms with different moods.

Room 1. Lake Picnic
The fireplace is decorated in the style of a campfire in a field by the lake. The room is bright and filled with light. Natural materials and sensations of nature dominate the space.

Room 2. Campfire Picnic
The area features a fireplace. The decorative design of the round bio-fireplace creates a feeling of being in nature, surrounded by plants and sunlight. The circular soft sofa along the radius of the room creates a patio-like atmosphere.

Vse Len' restaurant


Vse Len' restaurant
