Henkilön Shuting Lai profiili

Chinese shadow puppets

Chinese shadow puppets
The idea for the shadow puppet illustration was to create a fusion of animal and plant scenes, and to express the harmony of nature. Because shadow puppets also give me a great fusion of cultural diversity, based on shadow puppets with a touch of traditional Chinese paper-cutting.Although there are similarities with Chinese paper-cutting, the process is completely different and I have borrowed some traditional Chinese textures to put on the shadow puppet animals to give them a different effect. The shadow itself is flat and this clever form is used to achieve a good dynamic effect through a piece of curtain, with different textures, colours and patterns to give a three-dimensional effect through the flat design.
Heat shrinkable pendant
Summary :The texture and brightness of the colours on the animals' bodies will stimulate the children's perception of different things and allow them to learn about different animals, and it's a game that can be played with multiple players or single players to give the children a different experience and to feel the fun of shadow play and to stimulate their hands-on skills.
Chinese shadow puppets

Chinese shadow puppets
