Gaanya Singh 님의 프로필

Let the whale prevail - awareness campaign!

Let the Whale prevail!
As I sat in front of the television watching Seaspiracy on Netflix, I was overcome to witness the atrocities being inflicted on various sea animals especially Whales.
The movie "Seaspiracy" discusses the issue of overfishing and its impact on marine ecosystems, including the endangerment of several species of whales. The film highlights the ongoing practice of commercial whaling, which has led to a significant decline in the population of several whale species, including the blue whale, humpback whale, and fin whale.
The movie also highlights the negative impact of other fishing practices, such as drift-netting, on whale populations. The use of large-scale fishing nets, including drift nets, has resulted in the accidental entanglement and death of many whales.
Typeface design inspired by the tail of the Whale
To make the awareness posters to be unique, distinctive and them to stand out, I designed my own typeface inspired by the tail of the whale.
Reasons why I designed my own typeface for the posters
Creating a custom typeface for posters helped me to create a unique brand identity, improve legibility, increase creativity, and ensure consistency across a range of materials and media.
Linocut of whales
These are progress shots of the whales I made through linocut medium, which later on became my prominent USP.
Final posters
This pattern which I've used in the posters and the typeface is reminiscent of the whale’s fin.
All these posters feature whales which I made through linocut medium. 
To give my posters continuity and to connect with the audience, I added the song ‘Will you be there’ sang by Michael Jackson in the movie Free willy. "Free Willy" is a 1993 film about a young boy who befriends and helps to free a captive killer whale named Willy. 
Blue is used to signify the ocean, and the hues are transitioning to darker shades to portray deeper danger.
Let the whale prevail - awareness campaign!


Let the whale prevail - awareness campaign!
