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not my business

情流感 not my business

Progress of civilization, degeneration of emotion.
We interpreted the degeneration of morality among human into an infectious disease. We symbolized it as a virus which could not be seen in naked eyes, as well as its exaggerating propagation speed. The virus sticks to human skin and even plants in their minds which could affect their behaviour. We named the phenomenon “NMB Virus infected”.
已成熟病毒 Mature Virus Particl
病患標本 Patients samples / 10x10x10cm³ / acrylic sheet + gel wax
We use shield and wary cold-blooded animals to symbolize the degeneration of emotions of human beings.
*Hh=Helping hand=心的溫度單位*
低頭族 Smartphone Addicts
A.D 2012 / -89Hh
Human lives are invaded by "Smartphone Addicts" recently. Technology in their hands is like a black hole. The black holes inhale everyone. People focus on their hands and ignore whatever happens around them. Chat boxes and games are more important in their lives.
豢養 Bring Up
A.D 2021 / -319Hh
People are being overlooking nowadays and it definitely does not caused by single person. In fact, overlooking people are pushing the environment towards their will while similar kinds of people are connived.
煮不熟 Cold Soup
A.D 2025 / -378Hh
 We use the concept of “uncooked” to symbolize the phenomenon of people overlooking is never thawed.
倚賴 Rely
A.D 2028 / -402Hh
The bond between technology and human is inseparable nowadays.
People are able to give up the reality world but hard to get rid of the virtual world, i.e. The Internet.
情感遊戲 Emotion Game
A.D 2029 / -446Hh
People treats strangers are like a game in the life. They do not care too much and feel casual.
玩具 Like Toys
A.D 2041 / -562Hh
Whenever there are strangers in danger and need help, people choose to look in distance instead of showing their helping hands at once. It is like incidents happen in front of them are just as tripping over toy cars. It sounds harmless and not urgent big deals to them.
共舞 The Romantic Waltz
A.D 2036 / -572Hh
People are drowned in technological products. They prefer having connections with technological items instead of contacting with people face-to-face.
遠離冷漠說明書 Warming-up Manual
概念手機殼設計 Warming-up Mobile Phone Shell Design
+ 得獎紀錄 Awards

2013 高雄青春設計節 YOUTH INNOVATIVE DESIGN FESTIVAL / 視覺傳達設計類 - 優選
2013 全國技專校院學生實務專題製作競賽 / 商品設計群 - 入圍
+ 展出 Exhibitions

雲科大藝術中心 / 本體逆流校內展
高雄駁二藝術特區 P2 倉庫 / 2013 青春設計節
台北世貿一館 / 2013 新一代設計展
南港軟體工業園區 / 2013 全國技專校院學生實務專題製作競賽暨成果展
國立公共資訊圖書館 / 本體逆流設計展
台中中友百貨 / 中友創意設計展「溫度」
+ 共同作者 Creators

涂寶之 Tu Bao-Zhi - 插畫 / 排版 / 統籌
楊子萱 Yang Zih-Syuan - 插畫
楊佳凌 Yang Jia-Lin - 插畫

Tu Bao-Zhi - Illustration / Layout / Project Planning
Yang Zih-Syuan - Illustration
Yang Jia-Lin - Illustration
+ Branding / Display Design / Illustration / Layout Design / Product Design / Project Planning
not my business

not my business

2013 Graduate Project 將現代社會道德感下降的冷漠現象視為一種「傳染病」。以病毒的特性象徵這種傳染病是肉眼看不見而快速繁衍的。它不僅會攀附在人的髮膚、更能深入人的內心,甚至影響外在行為的表現,這種現象稱為「感染了情流感」。
