I needed to create additional graphics that matched with the existing style of the current logo for Fuelcast.

Few iterations of RPMS (Rangeland Productivity Monitoring Service) that additionally had previous Fuelcast Predictions. It was a service that held data that users could download, so I thought that  filing cabinet would be a great way to represent retrieving data.
There were a few more products that we were providing and are still subject for changes, but here is some of their iterations and final designs.
Finally, I needed an unique icon for another button that linked to Reading the Tea Leaves podcast that did not have a current logo. Again I wanted something that already matched our current design style.
I also experimenting with the design but felt that looking down at the mug of tea and seeing the tea leaves would make more sense. Here are some additionally designs:
Fuelcast Logos


Fuelcast Logos


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