Más Amor Stands
This project consists of 2 wood stands to display baked goods.

I currently own a small business called Mas Cookies. Más Amor. We sell Honduran desserts to raise funds for a Honduran NGO by giving up 60% of our profits. 
 During the summer, I’m going to be selling my baked goods at my hometown’s farmer's market. 

The Más Amor Stands would present my table more appealingly. It will help customers to see the desserts from a considerable distance and hopefully, bring them to my table.

This project was a meaningful experience for me because I was able to create something useful for my business and develop my skills in product design using Fusion 360 and a Shopbot (CNC machine.)
1. Create the product design on Fusion 360. 

2. Cut the design with a Shopbot (CNC machine) using MDF wood.

3. Sand each wood piece.

4. Add Mod Podge glue. 

5. Spray-paint each piece.

6. Add vinyl designs.

7. Laser-cut the shelf pieces in acrylic to add aesthetics.

Más Amor Stands

Más Amor Stands
