Profil użytkownika „Pooja Patel”

BRAND DESIGN: Sister Settings

Brand Design: Sister Settings Event
For this project, our goal was to create a unique and memorable brand identity for Sister Settings event that would resonate with the target audience. I started by conducting extensive research, gathering inspirational images, ideas, and concepts that aligned with the brand's values and vision. Using this research as a foundation, I developed a brand concept that communicated the essence of the brand in a visually compelling way. My design incorporated elements of balance, contrast, and hierarchy to create a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing logo that evokes an emotional response from the audience. I selected a color palette and typography that aligned with the brand's personality and values and applied them successfully across different media, including print and digital platforms. The final result is a professional poster design that invites users to belong, identify, and connect with the brand.
Poster: Vector Sketches
Logo Variations
My goal for this project is to create a logo that embodies women's rich history and enduring struggles. As a point of reference, I drew inspiration from the conceptual framework of Judy Chicago's "Dinner Party". The logo illustrates vulva abstractly. The logo also has another meaning to it. As I wanted to make something that reflects women and femininsm, I made the logo inspired from flower petals. There are many reasons for choosing this color palate. The dark purple represents the blood theme of the dinner party and also represents women's strength, power and royalty. The light purple represents the feminine flower theme. For the font, I replaced them with my first logo as the hand written font gave more originality to my logo.  
Brand Guide
My attention to detail and quality is evident in every element of the design, and have presented it in a formal branding guide document. ​​​​​​​
Logo Thumbnails
BRAND DESIGN: Sister Settings

BRAND DESIGN: Sister Settings
