"Angin Petani" Rizal&Rasendriya

Singer : Rizal&Rasendriya ( )
Song title : Angin Petani
Video : Gilang & Raga (1. & 2. )
Who is Rizal&Rasendriya?
Roaring, Honest and Endearing, Rizal Abdulhadi (Rizal&Rasendriya) is a uniquely talented multi-instrumentalist, folk singer and social activist from West Java Indonesia, dedicating his music to struggle for real change towards a more creative Indonesia and World. His latest project is called “Rasendriya” an instrument he independantly created from bamboo combining guitar with didgeridoo and percussion. His lyrics sung in confidence in both Indonesian and English talk of travel, adventure, democracy and opportunity.
Rizal spent over four years traveling and playing concerts through his homeland of Indonesia between the years of 2008-2012, since then travelling his music through Singapore, Malaysia and his latest tour to Australia early this year, bringing with him his new album “Rizal and Rasendriya, Away” featuring his newly invented instrument ‘”Rasendriya” and 5 musicians from Turkey, Czech Republic, Australia and Indonesia
"Angin Petani" Rizal&Rasendriya

"Angin Petani" Rizal&Rasendriya

New song and New video of Rizal&Rasendriya


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