Ekker Brand Identity Design

Ekker is a home design brand that embodies the very essence of Scandinavian design, and we strived to create a brand identity that reflects its core values of sustainability, simplicity, and functionality. We thoughtfully chose the name "Ekker," which originates from the Swedish word for oak, "ek" to emphasize the brand's unwavering dedication to using natural and sustainable materials.

The logo perfectly encapsulates the brand's design philosophy with its clean, sharp lines that exude a sense of stability and strength, and the simple yet elegant font adds a modern touch. To create a consistent and impactful visual identity, we opted for an earthy color palette that evokes a sense of 
calmness, while reinforcing the brand's connection to nature.

Ekker Brand Identity Design

Ekker Brand Identity Design

Ekker is a home design brand that embodies the very essence of Scandinavian design, and we strived to create a brand identity that reflects its c Læs mere
