Profiel van Kenan Dogan

Stepping Into The Unknown: Neil Armstrong

Stepping Into The Unknown: Neil Armstrong
He was a courageous and curious man who ventured into the unknown and made history. He inspired millions of people with his courage and vision.
I created his portrait with moon phases as the mosaic tiles because they show his remarkable achievement and his bond with the lunar surface. The moon phases also symbolize the cycles of life and death, exploration and discovery, challenge and triumph.
I made the portrait in black and white to highlight the contrast between light and darkness, and to evoke a feeling of nostalgia and mystery. I named this portrait Stepping into the unknown because that is what Armstrong did when he landed on the moon and uttered his famous words: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
some details
Stepping Into The Unknown: Neil Armstrong

Stepping Into The Unknown: Neil Armstrong
