Profil von Alecia SmithProfil von Thomas Ouglitchinin

Build Our Future

As part of a three-day design intensive, our team researched, developed and designed a solution for Studio THI to address their aim of engaging with younger audiences and bringing this demographic on board with urban development processes.

After extensive research processes in which we sought to understand the needs, wants and motivations of the target audience (young adults aged 18-25 years old), we came to recognise that although this demographic is likely to be quite interested in urban development, they feel excluded and disengaged from the process due to their age and inexperience. Nevertheless, we also recognised that this group is the future of our urban areas, and wanted to make sure that Studio THI can give a voice to this audience.

We decided that our design must prioritise convenience and fun for the target audience and be perceived as a valuable experience for both the audience and Studio THI. We developed ‘Build Our Future’ in response, which offers co-creation experience, weekly polls and a social media presence to users so that they not only feel like they are making a real contribution, but they can see the immediate impact of their involvement.

Although the short timeframe to deliver the project was a challenge for our team, we prioritised research and exploration, as we felt that this would ensure that our design would appeal to both the target audience but also Studio THI. Overall, it was a valuable experience to work with both Studio THI and our incredible team.
Our team undertaking collaborative research processes, using both analogue and digital workspaces.
The Studio THI group from Impact Lab 2.
Build Our Future

Build Our Future

A collaborative design project by students from QUT encouraging young people to get involved with urban development.
