Couturier is a tailoring app. The purpose of the app is to provide users with an easy way to get custom-tailored clothes. Users enter their measurements and then can choose from a variety of clothing selections. Users can also send their own pieces of clothing that they wish to be tailored to fit them more properly. My audience would be anyone who is looking to get clothes that fit them properly. The clothing selection is available for those of all genders, sizes, fashion tastes, etc. It explores the problem of users not being to easily buy clothes that fit them. The benefits would be having a fast way to get custom-fit clothing and getting clothes tailored.

The design is sophisticated and fun. The serif headings and minimal color palette communicates a serious and trustworthy clothing app. The User Interface focuses on providing users with an enjoyable tailoring shopping experience. The app is easy to navigate. The architecture is straight forward and understandable. There is a playful pattern of stitches of a shirt and a button motif throughout. The pops of red give energy to the app. Interactions are concise and dynamic.

Animation Compilation

Prototype XD
Initial Sketches
Initial Sketches
I can be reached at
Couturier App


Couturier App
