- A collection of three posters that beautifully capture the essence of Albanian culture.
As an Albanian artist, I carefully chose three words that represent different aspects of our heritage - kurbet, gjallëri, and besa. These words are not commonly found in other languages and truly embody the spirit of our culture.
I hope that this  collection will spark an interest in viewers to learn more about Albanian culture and language. Through this project, I aim to promote a greater appreciation of our rich history and diversity.



In Albanian literature, music, and art, "Gjallëri" is often celebrated as a positive and powerful force that drives individuals and communities forward, despite the challenges they may face. 

Besa is closely tied to the concepts of trust, loyalty, and hospitality. It is a promise that one makes to another person, and it is seen as a bond of trust that cannot be broken. The concept of Besa is so important in Albanian culture that it has been passed down from generation to generation for centuries.

The concept of Kurbet is deeply rooted in Albanian culture and is often reflected in Albanian literature, music, and art. It is a complex emotion that encompasses a range of feelings, including nostalgia, sadness, and longing. For many Albanians, Kurbet is a bittersweet reminder of their connection to their homeland and their families.

Poster collection


Poster collection
