This was my first Assigment on the Bitmap I Class. I've never had a class like this, pretty amazing.
I didn't enjoy this one at all. It was our first "Creative Assignment". It is a good example of Saturated Color Design.
I did this image for the Clone Project. We were supposed to clone in the same picture and make it look real. I researched how to achieve distortion in a glass of water, correct lightning in space for the background almonds, and how to change the color appearance in the knife. Also I mastered all the cloning tools to recreate the piece of Tangerine inside the bowl.
This is the original. The only thing I failed to achieve was how to turn the water into wine.
This one was for CIB 11. I took one of my photographs and turned it into a painted landscape.
This is the Postcard Assignment, we got the chance to create anything we wanted. Because I lived at Kiev for 5 years, I had a personal gallery of pictures from the City. I took the chance to create a personalized work.
This was an artistic piece for the Collage Assignment. It is still a work in progress. It is a hughe file. I would like once I finished it to print it in a big size.
The Ghost Girl is really cool as a detail.
In the "Cabin on the Woods" I got the chance to apply an interesting technique I learned from a book.
Poseidon's face was a tricky one to achieve. I had to figure out how to make it look like it was really underneath water.
My main character: the "Maiden" was my own invention. I wanted to represent the wisdom of women, but I didn't want it to look creepy. I added the butterflies and purple flower to beautify her face.
For the Retouching Assignment we had to clean this picture and color it. It was a long and tedious work, but I think I mastered a lot of tools.
This was my final file. I think it is a good base to continue improving upon it. It took me an entire weekend to finish this one. Thanks a lot Professor Kappers.
This was the second part of the Retouching Assignment. We had to choose a family picture to retouch it and colorize it as well. This is my mom when she was 27.
This is the result. It was an easy and enjoyable task. I liked the shiny surface to kill a little the flatness of the original photograph. Also I worked from memory to remember my mom's colors. Can you see the love poured into this work?
I love this one. It took me a lot of research to properly express the concept of "my Xbox Game". We were expected to create our own concept for a game, and create a  Cover Design that would communicate our idea. I had several ideas but I chose this one because I think it hasn't been done yet. It is kind of like the Minecraft World, but instead of building out from blocks, the player would use 2D shapes to create 3D objects and creatures. The world is divided by sections: in the White World, the player will interact more and less like in any mpg game, carrying out quests, giving creatures back their original forms, building things. etc. In the Black World, things are getting darker and dangerous, with a chance of pvp. At the begining the first origamis will be very simple to do, the more you advance the harder they will get. Also you can have companions with you, like this nasty little rabbit on a tank. I got the chance to work out details and give it style that I would enjoy.
This was one of the three projects for the Web Banner Assignment. It was a difficult task to learn in a very short amount of time how to animate a gif on Photoshop; but it was a good introduction to Animation and Video Editing.
This one was a lot of fun to do and pretty easy. I got some animations online, gave it a concept and came up with this idea of a radio station program, where guys just talk whatever they want, with no taboos. The radio station name does really exist, but I don't know what is that they talk about. The name of the show " Naughty Nights" is not part of the radio station logo.
This one was just an experiment on 3D rendering inside of Photoshop. I liked some of the blending effects and left it like that.
This was the Self Promo Web Banner. I love the style and concept, but I recognize it needs more tweaking. This was a very painful one to get running. Long story to tell, the reason why looks jumpy is because it was too fast and I was asked to lower down the speed of rendering. I don't mind it though because it doesn't affect the Old movies feeling.
Bitmap I Course

Bitmap I Course

A.S on Graphic Design. Entertainment Design Track. Bitmap I Course.
