We had the opportunity to create a brand new visual identity for Never -
a digital insurance company for online sellers. 

Our goal was to create a brand that sellers could relate to, one that showed we really understood what they were going through. We wanted them to know that we feel their pain - we know how tough it can be out there in the eCommerce world

When you're an eCommerce seller, things don't always go smoothly. Packages get damaged in transit, customers ask for refunds, and the competition is fierce. We wanted the Never brand to reflect this reality, rather than some perfect, idealized version of the eCommerce world.

To achieve this, we created a visual identity that was both realistic and empathetic. We focused on creating a design that captured the grit and determination of online sellers, while also communicating a sense of support and understanding.
Tape elements
Key Visuals
Art Director: Yuval Leizerman
Brand design and development: Gustavo Castellanos, Yuval Leizerman
3D design - Peter Shamalov

Never- Branding

Never- Branding
