Roth//tTevet-experience design sin profil

Sonic-Garden/Milan/Salone sattelite 2004

interactive music lounge
Combining music and space has been one of Tevet & Roth's main interests, since their first projects.
Together with designer Inbal Gil, the two had created an installation for the salone Sattelite 2004  in Milan, titled "Sonic-Garden".
A field of 50  soft "humpty-dumpty" human sized "blobs" which created an interactive musical lounge. By sitting or tilting the "blobs" visitors activated an internal speaker. Every "blob" produced a layer of sound, gathering in to a complete composition.
Sonic-Garden/Milan/Salone sattelite 2004

Sonic-Garden/Milan/Salone sattelite 2004

A field of 50 soft "humpty-dumpty" human sized "blobs" which created an interactive musical lounge. By sitting or tilting the "blobs" visitors ac Se mer


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