These photos were taken by my classmate, Lexie, and I was the one being photographed. These photos were to represent our alter ego, and the two things I added to my outfit to create that alter ego were, a hat and a big diamond ring (a ring pop lol). My alter ego was meant to "old country club money" I felt like that hat really gave me a vibe of early 2000's and having the ring reminded me of a country club member being very posh. These photos were taken in our classroom with studio lighting and backdrop all set up. These photos were taken during class time. I chose this alter ego because I have always wanted to get an insight into a little bit of the private club life and experience. I chose the editing style because it reminded me of late 1900's/early 2000's studio photos that would be taken as family photos during holidays at the mall studios, with big flower hats, weird props, and wallet sized print outs. 
Sketch 9 - Cindy Sherman Alter Ego

Sketch 9 - Cindy Sherman Alter Ego
