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Professional Life Practice

Professional Life Practice
Figure In the City

To me, a figure is the shape of anything whether that be a human's shape, a building's shape and so on. I want to focus on something that I feel is often overlooked and in my opinion that it something like statues. We often walk past statues in our everyday life not taking in their beauty therefore, I am choosing to capture statues that I personally think are beautiful.

The Flanneur/Flanneuse

The word flaneur is refered to as someone who represents the ability to stroll with no care for anything around them. An artist who focuses on this theme is Sophie Calle. Here is some examples of her work. 
Sophie Calle has always based her art around the interest of peopl's lives. A few of her projects focus on looking into people without their knowledge. I am inspired by this as I think it is very interesting to photograph someone without their knowledge as it is very fascinating what people do when think no one is watching.
The Urban Environment

The term urban environment refers to a more developed environment, whether that be commercial buildings, suburbs, etc. An artist who focuses on something like this is Martin Parr. Most of his images focus on what the rich wear and how they live their life ina suburban area. Here are some examples.
The inspiration that I have taken from this is to do something similar but now with the inclusion of people. I chose to take images of more developed/modern buildings which showcase a certain image. People who are more affluent can experience these buildings. 
Professional Life Practice
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Professional Life Practice

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