Alison Kings profil

Postwar Architecture Infographic

Infographic prepared especially for Palm Springs Modernism Week and used in "Where Canitlever Meets Coyote" presentation on Postwar Modern Architecture in Phoenix.
It wasn't until I visually charted out all the lifelines of my favorite architects that I was able to fully appreciate their impact and interaction with each other -- and their ages and stages of progression.
The meaning of the infographic does not have a visual key but is explained during lecture in real time. Before you read the key below, look a while longer and see if you can puzzle it out!
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KEY | Light Blue = Childhood | Dark Blue = College | Dark Green = Apprenticeship | Light Green = Adult Career | Yellow = Retirement | Orange = Year of Death
Down Arrow = The Stock Market Crash of 1929
Up Arrow = The High Point of Arizona Modernism in 1962
Red =  World Wars and their impact on their lives
TItle cards showing biographical information on Ralph Haver and Jimmie Nunn using the same key described above
Postwar Architecture Infographic

Postwar Architecture Infographic

An infographic prepared for Palm Springs Modernism Week to explain the lifelines of significant Modern Phoenix Architects
