Sparking a debate on road equality
Auto Trader is the UK’s largest digital automotive marketplace, attracting over 50 million cross-platform visits monthly. It is the go-to destination for car buyers and has been for the past 40 years.

Auto Trader research found that 72% of road users agree that UK roads aren’t equal for all users, and nearly half (45%) agree that changing attitudes is key to improving road equality.

To raise awareness and spark a constructive debate on road equality.
“As the most trusted car marketplace in the UK, we acknowledge the responsibility we have for motorists and other road users.”

— Lei Sorvisto, Brand Director, Auto Trader

I led on the UX/UI design of the campaign’s landing pages working closely with the content strategist and front-end developer and Auto Trader’s external design agency, Mynt, who provided the product photography.
Starting a conversation

Auto Trader launched the #SwearToChange campaign.

20,000 reflective items, including outdoor jackets, backpack covers, and dog leads, were given away in a daily prize draw, with entrants encouraged to pledge on social media what behaviours they would #SwearToChange to make the roads equal for all.
Spreading the word

We used a mix of PR, short-form YouTube content, social, digital OOH, and house ads to drive reach and awareness of the campaign.
Campaign supporters

Two-time Olympic Gold medal-winning former track cyclist Victoria Pendleton and the British Paralympic athlete Lauren Steadman supported the campaign.

The campaign had 98k submissions to the prize giveaway, 163 pieces of press coverage, and 34 broadcast interviews.
Swear To Change


Swear To Change



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