Immunity-Boosting Foods: Enhance Your Body's Defense System Naturally
A strong immune system is essential for good health, as it helps protect the body against infections and diseases. Factors that can affect immunity include genetics, lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise, stress levels, and exposure to environmental toxin.

Check out a few immune boosting foods below.

Citrus Fruits: Rich in vitamin C, which helps produce white blood cells that fight infections and diseases.
Garlic: Contains antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that help activate white blood cells and reduce the severity of colds and flu.
Yogurt: An excellent source of probiotics, which promote gut health and strengthen the immune system.
Leafy Greens: Rich in vitamins A, C, and E and antioxidants that reduce inflammation and protect against diseases.
Ginger: A powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that can help boost immunity and soothe cold and flu symptoms.
Nuts and Seeds: Rich in vitamin E and healthy fats that promote a healthy immune system and protect against infections and diseases.

Immunity-Boosting Foods

Immunity-Boosting Foods
