Day 118 of daily artworks of Deniz from Journey Industries
[meaning & technical explanation below]
Paredolia is the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous stimulus, usually visual, so that one sees an object, pattern, or meaning where there is none. According to Wikipedia it is anyways. Are you seeing the shapes of the clouds as well? Is it my paranoia, mixed with some child-like wonder on rocks? Is this delusion or just some good-old misdirection, like the cheap magicians used to do back in the school days? I could never enjoy those anyways. Doubt and paranoia are inscribed on these walls as if waves formed them over the last 13 million years. On a more serious note, this might be my most mainstream work yet, although still not there. I would spend more time on this and make it fit to be shared on fancy Instagram art pages, but I felt like stopping at one point, and that's okay. Believe me I could keep going. There is something so "status-quo", and just so safe about those clouds that look like hands. Kinda like those works where there is a laundry line, and a cow. Wait a minute... It's not a cow, it's... it's just some clothes hanging from the rope! Yeah, this kinda looks like one of those easily-digested, lifeless ones. Quite on the contrary however, to me, it is not. I took a nap around 7 pm because I'm doing too much these days. Woke up at 11, then thought of this. Please stop recommending me 70s Soul music Spotify. I don't wanna become a romance page. What do you think of when you look at the clouds? Do you have paredolia? Do you say "better grab an umbrella", or "awww"? I need to know. Comment please.



118 mayne! YOUNG MULA BABY! I'm sorry.
