Profil appartenant à Rebecca Biffen

British Airways Refresh

Airline Identity Project response
The aim with this project was to create a new look for an airline or create a new airline with the main theme representing a bird within the logo. 
I decided to go with a refresh of British Airways, making it more modern and appealing to a wider audience of customers. My chosen bird being a swan to represent Britain due to its association with the royals and how they were always considered "Property of the Queen". Swans are incredibly elegant but very powerful flyers even though they are on the bigger size. A great representative of the company airlines. Keeping it clean and professional with the white type but a pale blue background to represent the sustainable future that British airways are moving towards soon. The airline is designed to blend in with the sky and the clouds to follow this new standard of eco-friendly design but also taking some of the markings from the swan to make the whole plane look like a big version of the bird itself.
British Airways Refresh
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British Airways Refresh

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