Danny Tan 的个人资料

Similac Gain: Give Bright Minds a Strong Start

Give Bright Minds a Strong Start
Toddlers are naturally curious and adventurous, always seeking new challenges to conquer and explore. From unlocking doors to mastering remote controls, they are constantly surprising their parents with their abilities. Similac Gain recognised the importance of supporting this development and set out to showcase the role of proper nutrition in fuelling their curiosity.

Rather than relying on conventional creative expressions like puzzle-solving or building blocks, we took a fresh and unexpected approach to demonstrate how proper nutrition can help toddlers learn in exciting and surprising ways. The resulting film is charming, memorable and insightful, showing how toddlers can learn and grow every day with the right support.

The film is supported by film cutdowns, social, digital and POS.
Similac Gain: Give Bright Minds a Strong Start


Similac Gain: Give Bright Minds a Strong Start
