
Morph is a thought chair for quiet contemplation. In our daily life, various thoughts and worries constantly arise in our heads.
Sometimes we get tangled up in these complicated thoughts and feel stuffy. Morph wants to provide users with a space to organize these thoughts and worries. 

The name "Morph" comes from the word "metamorphosis," which means "change" or "escape," and has a meaning that makes users comfortable and free from miscellaneous thoughts that make them anxious.

Morph not only serves as a chair to sit and meditate and empty your thoughts, but also as furniture to store books and things under your seat while using it as an interior object.

Morph's design embodies the form in which endless loops of thought and complex thoughts merge into one finite and static curve. We made it look like a line from the side. This is a metaphorical expression of a peaceful mind by organizing complex thoughts.​​​​​​​

We applied form keywords such as "contemplation", "continuity", and "thought" to the design, and dramatically expressed that various shapes and weights exist in our thoughts, especially by changing the thickness of the backrest and the sitting part.

Thoughts are static, rational, and cold. We wanted to express the nature of these thoughts with the material of the chair. So, we designed it using aluminum and stainless steel that can give a cold, static feeling.

Morph can be placed indoors or outdoors. By using static and peaceful white and black colors, it becomes a quiet space of contemplation where you can focus on organizing your thoughts anywhere.

Designed by
jiung yun
minji kim
