Henkilön Rush Fay profiili

Black Refractions

Branding and collateral for the Frye Art Museum's 2021 special exhibition, Black Refractions: Highlights from the Studio Museum in Harlem.

With works in a variety of mediums by nearly 80 artists dating from the 1920s to the present, Black Refractions presented close to a century of creative achievements by artists of African descent. Celebrating The Studio Museum in Harlem’s role as a site for the dynamic exchange of ideas about art and society.

For the title treatment I chose Zeta Fonts Blacker Pro for its high contrast and blade-like shapes. This provided strong visual contrast when set against the primary image of Barkley L. Hendricks portrait, Lawdy Mama (1969). Both gold and a deep purple were used in the colour palette to highlight the regality of Hendricks’ portrait which elevated the Black figure to the veneration of a saint.
Black Refractions

Black Refractions
