Profilo di Jigar Tewar

User Journeys & User Flows

User Journeys & User Flows
User journey and user flow are both important concepts in UX design, but they differ in their scope and level of detail.
User journey refers to the overall experience of a user as they interact with a product or service. It describes the user's goals, motivations, and actions throughout their experience, from the initial discovery of the product or service to the final outcome. A user journey is typically represented as a narrative or a series of touch-points, and it aims to provide a holistic view of the user's experience.
User flow, on the other hand, is a more specific concept that describes the steps a user takes to accomplish a particular task within a product or service. It is a visual representation of the user's path through the product or service, from the start of the task to its completion. A user flow is typically represented as a diagram or a flowchart, and it aims to provide a detailed view of the user's actions and interactions with the product or service.

In summary, the key difference between user journey and user flow is that user journey focuses on the overall user experience, while user flow focuses on a specific task or process within that experience. User journeys are broader and more abstract, while user flows are more detailed and specific. Both concepts are important for UX designers to understand and use in order to create products and services that meet the needs and expectations of users.

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User Journeys & User Flows


User Journeys & User Flows
