Clappy Bird
Clappy Bird explores the measurement of sound through well known interactive game, 'Flappy Bird.' The users claps' to hover the bird through the green pipe maze continuously until an obstacle is hit or the bird falls. This was created in Processing and Arduino IDE using a 32x32 Pixel screen and Teensy 4.1.         
The goal of Clappy Bird was to create a fun and interactive way to display sounds through a screen. The game is based on the existing Flappy Bird, with a twist-- instead of using your phones screen to move the bird, the user must utilize their voice or their hands. Future versions of the project could differentiate sounds to create different movements such as ducking or flying. Through user testing, clapping became tiresome for some and therefore the ability to test different sounds could foster more effective game play. 

The user interacts with the digital interface by creating sounds to move the bird and dodge the obstacles. The score modality is meant to keep the player coming back to play more and beat their high score. 

Visual feedback on the Pixels display makes the functions of the game easy to follow. Those familiar with the game Flappy Bird can easily catch on to how the game works. The experience is meant to be fun and engaging. 
Clappy Bird
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Clappy Bird

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