Inner Turmoil
 The challenge was to visualize the usually invisible.
Through the lens, we witness the embodiment of inner turmoil.

The back of a woman, a canvas for the complexity of the human psyche, bears witness to the unresolved present and past challenges,
emerging from within, reaching out for escape.

A hurting hand and two terrifying faces - the unconscious mind yearns
to make itself known.
The images are a reflection of the duality of the mind, where opposing forces collide. The battle between reason and passion ensues.
Others see what we can’t.

However, is the hand really hurting us or is it trying to reach out?
Are the faces threatening us or just crying for help?

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote:
'When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you'.

These images invite us to confront the abyss within ourselves, to embrace the darkness that lies within, and to find meaning in the chaos of our inner world.
Inner Turmoil


Inner Turmoil
