Good Night is a prototype for a sleeping app. The functions in the prototype include tracking sleeping time and rating sleep quality.
The subtle background gradient helps emphasize the UI elements and represents the shine of the moon. The UX is designed to be as accessible as possible. I was not able to do accessibility testing but I stuck with standard design conventions and made all the buttons clear and labeled.
For the mood board I wanted to replicate that late night feeling and create an app that was very friendly to use at midnight. The app uses a dark background color for late night usage. The pastel teal provides a nice contrast color without being too bright or aggressive. To fit this soft and friendly design the fonts are sans-serif rounded fonts such as Arial Rounded and Varela Round.
The logo design I implemented a simple but memorable logo that both serves as a replication of a crescent moon and as a clock matching 10pm to 6am which provides 8 hours of good sleep.
Good Night


Good Night
