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Street Art
It is known that in this world we support each other to stand, we all need each other. However, in this social body, human relationships are degenerating into plastic grins that expect something in return.

These relationships are usually fomented by ambitions, without leaving room for altruism. Education, working life, social cohexistence and, in short, the majority of the human relationships’ net turn out to be a constant competition in which there’s no other choice but to come down on the others and defeat the adversaries until reaching the individual aim.

Coming down on someone to reach the desired aim is not an insanity, but it alsmost has been turned into the way the world works. Standing out to get a job, to be the person you want to be, even if the dream is a tiny one, you will have to overcome the ever-present adversaries. We are in a constant competition. “Homo homini lupus”, said Hobbes. We can’t agree more with this Latin phrase and it makes us feel a big rejection.

CARES is the physical resolution of this rejection.

CARES was made within the framework of the festival Ús Barcelona where, who went there, had to step over the facilities to see the works of the other artists.

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Stepping over someone in order to accomplish the desired purpose is nothing too crazy, in fact it has become the way the world works
