Copywriter: Courtney Hudson
Art Director: Ellen Wareham
7 Year Old Fashionista Seeks 38 Year Old Designer.
Blood cancer does not have a discerning eye when it comes to those affected. 
It is most common in young adults and cannot be attributed to a single factor. 
White American children are almost twice as likely to develop blood cancer,
although it is not limited to one race or sex.  Register at,   
and increase the odds for those in need of a life saving bone marrow transplant. 
Copywriter: Courtney Hudson
Art Director: Ellen Wareham
15 Year Old Goalie Seeking 29 Year Old Ice Skater.
Children and young adults are most likely to be diagnosed with blood cancer. 
Bone marrow transplants are the save needed, but many never find a matching donor in time. DKMS is the largest bone marrow registry, with over 3.5 million donors worldwide. 
Visit to learn more about becoming someone’s perfect match.
Copywriter: Courtney Hudson
Art Director: Ellen Wareham
4 Year Old Superhero Desires 45 Year Old Stuntman.
Blood cancer is most common in male children and young adults. 
Hispanic males under the age of twenty are at the highest risk,
although it is not limited to one race or sex. Bone marrow transplants 
are like Kryptonite to blood cancer. Register at,
and increase the odds for those in need of a life saving bone marrow transplant. 
Copywriter: Courtney Hudson
Art Director: Ellen Wareham
6 Year Old Bookworm Pursuing 52 Year Old Librarian.
Blood cancer affects volumes of children and young adults.  Donors of all age,
sex,and race are needed. DKMS has over 3.5 million registered donors worldwide
and must keep growing in order to find matches for those in need of bone marrow transplants.  Visit to learn about becoming a registered donor.
"Online Dating" DKMS
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"Online Dating" DKMS

Create adverts which not only make the viewer stop to read, but also compel the viewer to get involved with the cause. (DKMS in this case)

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