Profilo di Stang Gubbels

Big A0 anniversary 30 years of Stang screenprint

The world of Stang in 1 large A0 anniversary 30 years of screen printing (84 x 118.8 cm) on his characteristic autistic view filled with craziness, a hand with too many fingers, quite a lot of birds and in the middle is one of those typical Icelandic corrugated plates warehouse and secretly there is also all kinds of customer work hidden in it, including the Kunsthal Rotterdam, Boekhandel Donner, Mei architecten, gro-up and Maasstroompjes (of those cookies), so a kind of organized chaos. The screen print is available in 2 color variants fluor red with beige or blue with phosphorus, which lights up when you turn off the light, how nice is that (anyway) and costs 185 euros, see
Big A0 anniversary 30 years of Stang screenprint

Big A0 anniversary 30 years of Stang screenprint
