3+2 Design Studio 님의 프로필

The Da Vinci Code - iDrip Coffee in Taipei

“The Da Vinci Code ,The Perfect Union of Science and Coffee: iDrip Collaborates with the 3+2 Design Studio to Build ‘Coffee Lab,’ Presenting World-Class Pour-over Coffee!”

How many varieties of coffee can one make? The answer is “unlimited.” This is because where coffee beans are grown, how coffee is roasted and brewed, and what flavors are added can all be changed to produce coffee of different taste. iDrip taps into the knowledge of a barista champion in coffee bean selection, roasting, and grinding and utilizes the iDrip Smart Pour-over Coffeemaker to replicate the coffee brewing time, water flow, water temperature, and flow speed adopted by the champion to create world-class coffee. By using science to fabricate a precise coffeemaker that can employ the knowledge of the barista champion (i.e., coffee-related water flow, turn number, and rotations), everyone can make world-class pour-over coffee at the comfort of their own homes.
iDrip collaborates with the 3+2 Design Studio to build the iDrip Coffee Lab for 2021 Creative Expo Taiwan (Warehouse No. 5) held in the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. Here, they present white walls and lights, transparent experimental test tubes, cold metal tables, and a blackboard containing various coffeemaker designs. Emulating the “spirit of science” and “art of coffee,” the coffee lab was designed after many trials and tribulations, giving birth to a perfect environment emphasizing the notion that “every drip is science.” Come and experience the charm of coffee made by the iDrip Smart Pour-over Coffeemaker. 

A considerable amount of steel plates were installed in the exhibition area to create a “lab bench” where the iDrip coffeemaker can be found. Coffee beans grown from different locations and of different flavors are prepared for visitors to make their own coffee.  Here, visitors can select, grind, and brew their coffee beans to experience the charm of pure, flavorful pour-over coffee.

A luminous, transparent display rack is placed on the side of the exhibition area to exhibit coffee filter bags created by over 21 barista champions from more than 15 countries. Each filter bag tells the baristas’ personal stories and exemplifies their unique coffeemaking techniques and taste. Also shown on the display rack are various tea bags such as “Charcoal Roasted Oolong Tea” bags designed and developed by Michelin chef André Chiang and coffee bean “Blend Papa Rich” created by 2014 World Coffee Roasting Champion Jacky Lai. 

Project :台北板橋大遠百百匯1F
Client:iDrip Coffee / 艾聚普股份有限公司
The Da Vinci Code - iDrip Coffee in Taipei

The Da Vinci Code - iDrip Coffee in Taipei


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