Erin Geschwenders profil

Bijou Art Market Identity System

Design an identity system for a festival about a topic of my choice.

The Festival + Design Approach
Bijou Art Market is an art market located in the Historic Haymarket district. It is a place for artists to sell their art and connect with other artists + members of the community.
I wanted this art market to differentiate itself from others by focusing more on the small business side of art, rather than the fine arts side. 
I wanted to capture this idea by creating an identity system that was both fun and 
welcoming. A lot of changes occurred during the design process to achieve this without creating an overly childish feeling. The main ways I attempted to achieve this were through the use of bright, but soft colors and by creating a sense of professionalism and movement with gradients.

* see process book attached for more about this identity system
Logo Concept
The face in the logo gives the brand a friendly look by creating a character to represent it. The B and O in "Bijou" create the eyes, while the U serves as both the smile and a container for the logo.
Bijou Art Market Identity System

Bijou Art Market Identity System


Kreativa områden