The song "American Pie", by McLean, is widely considered to be one of the greatest rock songs of all time. Its language and imagery have been the subject of countless interpretations. For a long time Mclean refused to comment on the lyrics, allowing listeners and analysts to find their own associations. But in 2015 he finally confirmed that most of the lyrics are impressionistic and don't usually refer to specific people or specific events.

I wanted to see how Stable Diffusion would interpret the lyrics of the song. I submitted each of the six verses and the chorus one at a time. This time I accepted five images for each verse so that I could see whether there was any thematic consistency in the outputs. As before, I rejected any outputs that had objectionable content or had gross anatomical distortions (e.g., extra fingers, two right hands, etc.).

American Pie, verse 1

American Pie, verse 2

American Pie, verse 3

American Pie, verse 4

American Pie, verse 5

American Pie, verse 6

American Pie, chorus

These illustrations were drawn using Stable Diffusion 2.1.
American Pie