Profil Mark Furlong

7th Sense Psychics - Website

7th Sense Psychics Website Redesign
Website Link: 
7th Sense Psychics: Website 2014 - 2015
7th Sense Psychics: Horoscopes 2014 - 2015
The 7th Sense Psychics website has gone through many changes over the years. The first image on the left the blue is from 2014. The company had just gone through a rebranding before I started with the team in 2015.
Another big change In 2016, the old site had a blog page but there were almost no engagement  It was a bit hidden. I setup a separate WordPress site for the blog posts and we turned it into a sub-brand
"7th Sense Stories" Website Link: . more news/gossip/media posts with a psychic twist at first to get interest and then it evolved over the years into what it is now. It was great to be able to see the views and interactions.
In 2018-2019 I built a Brand Guidelines updating fonts and colours and styles. 
We added Bootstrap and made the website more responsive. 
We also start work on an new app version of the website.  

7th Sense Stories
Social Media adds Ideas 
7th Sense Psychics Website Future Idea
We spent a lot of time working on the new App so I think the next step would be update the website again in line with this and possible develop a dark mode as well. ​​​​​​​
7th Sense Psychics - Website

7th Sense Psychics - Website
