Perfil de Cyrus Karanjia

Maahru Editirial Womens Day Fashion Campaign

Maahru (Women's day Editorial Fashion Shoot)
To celebrate the role of women in different part of their carrier and lifestyles, Maahru created distinct looks for each of their character to show case their looks of clothing in different and unique cuts. As the Production Designer for the shoot I decided to play with emotions and Activities to highlight the role of women in different fields.

Mood board
The shoot was designed over a white set where each character would show their own world, and each character was given a different Emotion to highlight 
Final Result 
Kick Boxer (Protector)
Yogi (Healer)
Leader/ Boss
Singer (Activist/ Truth seeker)
Age Doesn't Matter (Dreamer)
Biker Girl/ Dreamer
Artist / Creator
Final Video
Maahru Editirial Womens Day Fashion Campaign


Maahru Editirial Womens Day Fashion Campaign


Sectores creativos